Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Chase

2:00 am- I was on my way back home after a pleasure ride. The moon was hiding behind the roof of a newly constructed high rise, only scattering its light from the edges. The occasional wind blowing was something to treasure and a respite from the heat. The clouds were scattered, as if nature was attempting its hand at abstract art. [ funny thing about abstract art: you don't understand a shit about it unless the person is drunk].

I reached the junction to my house and my pleasure time was over. Stealth was the word. I switched off the headlights of my bike. I drove it at a very low speed to ensure that not much noise was made. I felt for my shirt pocket to ensure that my keys are in my pocket. 

My phone rang.

My cover was compromised, I was spotted. There were growls, barks and howls. The Chase had begun. I drove as quickly as I could. They chased and chased and chased. The chase for them was like a relentless pursuit of something important in life. I don't have even the remotest idea about what it could be and I don't want to know.

2:30 am- I rushed my bike into the parking and closed the main gate. I sat on my bike breathing heavily. I wiped off the beads of sweat on my forehead. The Chase was unsuccessful  I don't know for how long I would continue winning. I am sure the law of averages would catch up one day. I dread that day. I reached for my phone to check who had blown off my cover. It was my friend . I called him back

"why did you call ?" I asked

"Wanted to know if you were chased by the dogs today!!"

Stray dogs are a menace which irritate so many people in India and has lead to many accidents too. One including a close friend of mine who had a serious fall from a bike because of a stray dog. I think we should be more alert as citizens and make sure that the concerned authorities know about this situation and proper action is taken.

Image courtesy:

Signing off

Shady West side!!!

PS: I know a new name, do you guys like it? 

Monday, May 24, 2010

To live like that!!!

It was a rough patch. The times were trying. I would raise my arm to see the watch, it wouldn't work. I was under pressure.Under pressure one loses his ability to think rationally leading to miscalculations and errors. I did a lot of errors. I prayed that the phase get over soon, but it seems the big guy was busy listening to someone else.

And that is why god made parents, siblings, lovers and friends. There are certain pieces of your life you share with each of these. During this particular phase I had a friend. He has got superhero tendencies, he is called the Arghasmer( pronounced Orgas-mer).Like all superheros he prefers wearing his under pants outside, but here the only difference is that he doesn't wear it over his pants, coz he doesn't wear pants!( almost all the times). He doesn't have a cape, he can fly without it.

He might sound like a silly superhero, but every one here is for a purpose. He has his own, he keeps his friends happy. I found him there for me when i needed him. He heard out my issues, listened carefully. Never said much. And at the end of it, his eyes became small with a glint of mischief, a naughty smile sat on his face and said

" Lets drink Black and White"
He made me a drink and made two for himself. With every sip of black and white he slipped into an orgasm only he can fall into!!!.

Cheers to a great friend!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Its an Honor!!!

It is such a pleasant surprise Sneha!!!. I am so glad that you thought I deserved this award

The rule is :

In order to accept the award, you have to post it on your blog with the name of the person who awarded it to you including the link to his/her blog.

Pass it on 5-10 followers on your own.

Contact those followers and let them know that they have been chosen for the award!!

I award this to:

And just to add, I am glad sneha thought my blog was versatile...I am overjoyed to say the least!!!


 I have changed the comment form on the blog. I hope it will be much more convenient to every one now to drop in  a word!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Back to a Beginning

I had always promised that one fine day I will let all of you people know the story behind the name of the blog and how it all started. Its time I keep that promise of mine.

Believe it, this blog is probably one of the oldest blogs around. I posted for the first time on the 18th of December 2007. It has been more than three years and I haven't completed hundred posts. So this has been a slow burner. My posts have been cyclic, by cyclic I mean to say, the frequency of the posts are cyclic. There are times when I would write posts every second day, while I would go without a post for months. This probably explains a lot about me. There are times when I am unable to do things which I always wanted to do, but I have never lost hope. I still live in hope that, one day this blog will be a famous one. I hope that one day my writing would be recognized. I dont know if this will ever happen but sane reasoning is not my cup of tea.
 I am a dreamer

I guess there is another question which quite a few of you might be asking( I don't know how many of you will actually read it). Why now?

Well think about it. Its been two weeks and I haven't come up with any post. The recent posts have not got a response. It is almost like I am starting out all over again. Now that I have answered that question let me tell you how I started blogging:

I was working for EXL service during the winter of 2007. I was doing well there and was also honored with the performer of the month for the month of November. I had lost touch with my writing for years then.

I was driving my way to office when I saw this small girl standing on the pavement. She signaled me to stop. I did not pay attention, but her desperate plead for help did catch my attention. I stopped my bike and turned around. I saw another guy standing in front of her. I sensed danger and I drove back. She rushed to me and held my arm. The other guy drove away.

I asked her what she was doing out there so late in the night. She said she was kidnapped and brought to Pune. She wanted to go back to her hometown in Gujarat. I thought of dropping her at the station, but something told me I shouldn't. I told her that I would be giving her money for the ticket and rickshaw,but she would have to go to the station alone.

Even before I could turn around to take money out of my wallet, she had pulled out a shining knife. I managed to button start my bike and rush out in a matter of seconds. I was safe .

This incident had an affect on me. I was depressed for a while, but then I decided to fight it out by telling people these stories, and hence the blog and the URL.

In hindsight, it was a freaky incident. But you know guys, its direct result was that I started writing all over again. I have improved as a writer ( may be only a little), I have made some wonderful friends through this blog and guess what I think this was one of the best things that happened to me

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Escape Blog-a Ton 10

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 10; the tenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

There would have been many days better than today. The grey clouds and the occasional thunder accompanied by lightning did not make the day look anymore auspicious. But he had to go ahead with it, after all it was a plan and he had to execute it.
His phone rang
“Yes” he answered
“Dude, where in the world are you?”
“Here, kicking”
“Is everything ok?”
“Yes, I am actually hooked on to some kind of work right now; can I talk to you later?”
“Ok (surprised)”
He switched the phone off.
He turned around and saw himself surrounded by mountains dressed in green; the sun was hiding behind the clouds. It would have been great to see the sun  but he did not have the time, he had something more important. So he kick started his bike and left the garb of Mother Nature he was holding on to.
The lush greens were turning to beautiful browns, it was a sign, and it meant that the city was approaching. It took him back to the very first time he saw this city, it wasn't the concrete jungle it is. There were lesser people, but together they were much happier than they are today. He loved the rains the city welcomed him with, and that is when he fell in love with it.
The thunder grew louder but that couldn’t stop him in his mission, his plan was the inevitable. As he approached the city, it reminded him of something special. Every first is a special, first pen, the first car, the first kiss, first love. This city gave him all his firsts, but what did he do. He found the love of his life here, but couldn’t he love the city a little more in return?
As a young man, he always lived his life to the fullest. He was adored and envied at the same time. It doesn’t take the long for an evil eye to cast a spell, and spell it did cast.
He had already entered the city, it was supposed to be afternoon and the traffic was moderate. He would soon reach the city bridge.
It was one beautiful afternoon, when he was living his beautiful life when suddenly everything went wrong. A drunken night, an injection and a disease; his life was changed forever. He carried the disease for a long time without even knowing about it, but eventually it did show its ugly head. All he could do was to face it for as long as possible
He reached the city bridge; he parked his bike on the pavement and sat on the floor with his back on the bike. He took out a note which he had written long back

Hi;  Hey
I want to start this in a good way, but there is no good way. Yes I have been diseased, I have been diseased when I was living my life, and now this disease is about to take it away. I don’t know if it was my mistake, was living life the fullest at all times a mistake. Should I have stayed indoors with fear? I don’t think so, and so I again decided to do things just the way I have done, just the way I want, according to my will entirely.
No I am not ending my life, I lived life faster. I did everything I ever wanted to, visited every place I wanted to, met everyone who mattered.
So this is not the end of my life.
This is my escape.

The winds grew strong; they embraced him for a moment and then snatched the note from him. He saw the note glide with the wind, and he smiled. He put all the weight in the bag. He searched his jacket, to find something. He found the injection; he uncapped the needle and poked it into his arm slowly injecting it inside his body. It started taking effect almost immediately. He raised his head to catch a glimpse of the sun, the clouds had started moving away from the sun, but his legs gave away and he fell from the bridge.
There was a huge splash, the sound of the city vanished above the waters and the sunlight came through the clouds and shone above his head, but it turned dark again.
He had escaped.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.