I have an image of this guy who cannot do much wrong, and I have done everything to make sure that I am that guy. But there are anomalies in every system. I remember a story by M.K.Gandhi, where he had stolen money from his father when he was small, even he was human he said; so am I.
I don't know how grave my sins are, I don't know for how long I will dwell in my grave for these sins,but I think I will confess it, may be that will help me get strength to carry on and do what is right.
The year was 2008, I had just quit my job at EXL services. I was showing off, with a credit card. I amassed a good amount to be paid. I paid the due amounts and the interest remained. Now I have to pay around 4 grand in total today.
I don't know If I should pay it,but as the situation stands I will. I want to keep a credit card again, but altogether different reasons. I will gradually decide on how to clear these payments and hopefully some day I will be able to use a credit card again!!
PS: If you guys have any idea as to how I can by pass the system and get a card now..then please do!!!