Picture this, one professor with all the knowledge in the world about the subject, teaches you in a class observing pin-drop silence, or a professor with just enough knowledge( at least more than you) teaching you while slipping in his wise cracks in between. Whose class will you attend?

Now have a look at most of our leaders, one of the most popular leader Laloo Prasad Yadav is famous for his wise cracks and always has a large scale following despite his non performing government. I will agree that he did miracles with our railways,no doubt, but other than that his portfolio has a more prominent Chara Ghotala than a road development. So I guess all we have to do is to keep good humor among the general population and you have a mass leader. Now lets also look at Raj Thackrey, he has risen among the major political players in Maharashtra in the past few years and does have a mass following. If we listen to his speeches, he always adds the humor element to his criticism (look at his answer to the CM Ashok Chavan's rant and you will surely add a point to my case). If my point on Raj Thackrey doesnt convince you, lets not go too far, think of Balasaheb Thackrey. He was a cartoonist, and started a political revolution in Maharashtra with his cartoon strip Marmik.

So what was the reason for me to write this post. The only thing what I wanted to say is that, it doesn't take tears, blood or money to start a revolution, all you need is a hearty laugh
I'd settle for a good mix of substance and comedy and more importantly for the manner of delivery too, for thats what makes anything interesting - what point is it to dispense wisdom in robotic monotones? Right?
Fun with work often makes work more interesting. A lighter vein always has the power to attract masses.Aptly illustrated by examples in this post. Good Work Shahid!
In fact, sarsdars are quite intelligent...they are a very powerful force in India, and that is why all these jokes are made on them, started by people who are threatened by them. That is the source of jokes.
I would say Manmohan Singh is not an exception, but much like the average Indian sardar...intelligent and honest.
For example, do we make jokes on beggars? On outcastes? No, but if we make jokes on Americans, it's ok. Similarly, if we make jokes on blondes it's ok...of course hair colour has nothing to do with intelligence (for example, why male blondes aren't called stupid), but it makes people with 'inferior' hair colours feel better because they envy the beauty of the blonde.
If you are NOT being made fun of, then you are not enviable, and not important :)
For example, Muslims have the lowest literacy rates in India, but it is difficult to make stupidity jokes on them...why? Because we would feel like we are hurting outcastes. People have opinions about Muslims as a nation, but it is just not brought in the public for that reason. Also they are not as open-minded to take jokes on themselves.
However, the sardar jokes are different...people make jokes but everyone knows it's just for fun and none of it is true...unless the person is still in kindergarten.
I can see where you are pointing, U tend to believe that only important people are the butt of jokes, but then \ur idea that people dont bring out the opinions about muslims in public I am afraid you are wrong, they are soft targets today mydear, they are the but of terrorist jokes, just check the net for that, I am sure you will get a hell lot of them! cartoons , puppet shows and what not its all there and for the matter of fact against almost all communities, thats how we start making opinions about people,
BTW why post this as anonymus?..I would have been glad to know you
The blonde thing... don't get me started on the blonde thing.
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