What point am I trying to make?, well what I am trying to say is that in this year long race we will get opportunities to forget the race and run in the direction where we want to go, and not towards a so called finish line. If you ever come across one such opportunity, take it and I promise you will never regret it
Btw, How is the new look of my blog? I was trying to change the look for a long time now. As of what I have noticed this template loads much faster and well the content is highlighted too...do drop in your opinion about it.
Image courtesy:http://actualdownload.com
Ya, we all are participants of this horse race & May be, many opportunities will come in between this race & we should not leave them.
You had written true points up to the mark till we have ability to decide/filter which opportunities will be benefited to our life.
VERY NICE POST at least made me to think about this topic.
I don't know how your old template looks like but this template is 'JUST TOO GOOD', Looking very professional.
There is no problem in this but if you know HTML, then you can try to make the font of words in post to something more attractive fonts.
your thing is good....but u dint mail me ma things...n m running again...m forgetting...but not being forgetful...feels good...something is different...hehe
Unfortunately, for a lot of us - work means life and vice versa and hence the quality of life is fast lost! Already, this year seems speeding away!
And on the template - I'd say super cool! Very refreshing and much needed change!
Well said .. you are right.. hopefully i will learn from my mistakes in the previous year and not repeat them again.
and yeah for me too the New year is no more year, we are back to the same old rig-marol of life..
your blog template looks great..
all i cld to ths post is that..this is smthng diffrnt!! n yea.... there nothng new abt the new year now!! n i cldnt get the race part..bits of it!! abt ur blog... very nice.. gives me feel to read it!! :D !! all the best!!
@shri krishna: man ur comments make my day...really appreciated
@premanku: will definitely mail it to ya asap
@rakesh: Its gr8 to have u back on ma blog man
@ bikram: thanks bro and lets hope we follow wat we want for sometime atleast, eventually we will get there
@Swati: Good to see ya droppin by ,well I willexplain it to you once i meet u online
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