The cleaner switched off the lights in the bay before leaving. Gopi was still sitting in his cubicle. There were many such days were Gopi left his bay way after the lights were turned off.
This time he would leave only not to return to his bay. Nostalgia had already clouded his thinking. The blinking of his computer monitors reminded him of countless evenings he spent reaching deadlines, making sure that everything was ready for the next morning, and so many such things.
He was leaving a huge part of himself here, along with friends and colleagues. He was asked to take with him all that was important. Ironically it is not possible to take all you want. All he would take with him would be memories.
Some memories are wonderful and some memories are not, like this one. If only he could buy a little more time from the universe, but there is a reason why we cannot. Anything and everything can only last for as long as they are to. That is why we have good memories to carry us through when times are bad and some not so good memories to remind us why we need to live and make good memories.
Gopi opened his Office Communicator list for the last time, going through the long list of names he had a chance to meet and talk. Every one had spend time with Gopi and vice versa, and it only made him realize how so many people can influence you in deciding the road you need to take, but no one can stop the destined.
At the end of the list were a few names which were no longer available. The names were some of those who Gopi spent a lot of time interacting with, he realized the sand in the sand watch was getting over; it was time to turn it over. Tomorrow there will be another name in a few lists which will no longer be available.
I have written this post after a while, but this time my hiatus was forced thanks to a lousy internet connection. This is one post I had written but unfortunately couldn't post. I have a lot more to write...
Thanks for reading