Of late I have developed an immense liking for Kashid Beach. It is located at around 180kms from Pune. My liking for the beach took me there again and as always the magic unveiled.
The white sands and the beautiful blue of the water met each others at regular intervals. The waves kept gossiping among themselves. I wanted to hear what they where saying so I went closer, my feet where in the water. The sand understood what I was up to and held my feet together, I couldn’t move!; I tried to pull out my feet but couldn’t and to add to my agony I saw a he bully wave. He was furious, and before I could realize anything he knocked me off.
I tried to open my eyes, where the hell was I?. My hands were floating, my legs too I mean I was floating!
“Are you alright?” some one asked me from behind
I turned around; it was a woman in her late 40’s. She looked very elegant in her long waving gown which had slight pink shade to it
“Who are you?” I asked
“I am the queen of this place?”
“ oh yes ..right…” I stopped myself from saying anything. This place looked nothing less than a palace, The huge chandelier at the top was something I had never seen in my life, the pillars reflected of gold, the drapes where probably made of the most exquisite material in this world.
The queen was now smiling
“Where am I?” I asked
“You are in the ocean.”
“I don’t understand”
She smiled in a subtle manner. “Let me explain, you are from the other world right”
“Other world!! What other world?” I asked again
She continued to smile. I didn’t like it, I couldn’t make any sense of what she was saying and she undeniably was enjoying every moment of this.
“See, this water part is OUR world and the land part is YOUR world. You are in OUR world right now”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I had always seen cartoons and heard fables based on this but can it be true?
“How did I come here?”
“No one wanted you here” a husky voice from behind said.
This time it was a young guy with a very well built physique, he was probably in his early 20’s, and he was very fair with a free flowing mane.
“Now who the hell are..” before I could complete my words this guy had held me by the collar
“Now, leave him, you have hurt him already” the queen shouted
“These people need it; they don’t know how to stay in their part of the world”
“They are our guests”
“Then ask them to behave like guests and not to spoil our houses”
While the two were arguing I peeked at the room outside. It wasn’t a room but a huge hall or something like a meeting place. It was full of tall chairs made of ebony. The chandelier here was much bigger than the one I had seen inside. I couldn’t see the end of the dinning table. It probably stretched itself to another place altogether. The drapes were similar to the ones inside and there was a huge window at one corner of this room. I slowly swam towards the window. I was shocked ( for the umpteenth time). I could see the beach from here and all the people outside
“Where are my friends?” I asked myself
“Oh here you are” The queen said “I am sorry for his behavior. He is a little temperamental. He hates it when YOU people dirty our place”
Again for the umpteenth time I did not understand what she meant and then she continued to explain
“You see the ocean, sea is our homes and YOU people have always found our homes a good dumping ground. Our homes are getting smaller everyday because of YOU”
1 comment:
THOUGHT provoking.. well written.. Kudos
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