Maharashtra is on the verge of another political battle between the players of Democracy, its about time we know what we are doing and what we can do.I thought I will write मनसे , but then in Maharashtra it has a different meaning altogether so whatever I say it will be दिलसे I firmly believe that a null vote should be made available to all of our voters. Because right now no one seems to have an answer to the problems Maharashtra is facing.

You know, we must work our way to find a solution to the current scenario. There is a leader portraying himself as a leader of the young and promises to bring the change, reaches for a rally around 6 hours late and speaks for ten minutes apologizes and rushes off. Other candidates struggles to change the name of a lion in Rajiv Gandhi zoo from an English name to a Marathi one and names his own dogs James and Bond!!!.
If one party says that we will bring the change, well they couldnt keep themselves in power for more than a term and it just shows that they were incapable of bringing it that one time, while the other party has been in power for years and has been using the same agenda over the years, electricity, roads, and water!!, in 50 years if they couldnt do anything, what will five years do.
Here we must realize that its our fault at large, a common Indian has been so engrossed in the daily vagaries of his life that he has forgotten that he has a social and political responsibility on his already burdened shoulders.
The first step is to start voting, it is necessary that we vote, now at the same time,we must know that who should we vote for, right now we might have options between a murderer and a thief, but hopefully someday this situation will improve. It requires alert citizens, we must use the media platforms we have to start simple protests to show that we will not tolerate candidates with tainted records.
I guess we have a lot to do and somehow we will have to find a way out of this mess, but at least start voting, despite the fact that you will have to select a person with less criminal records this time, but lets realize that only we can change that, till then
choose wisely
Other candidates struggles to change the name of a lion in Rajiv Gandhi zoo from an English name to a Marathi one and names his own dogs James and Bond!!!.
he he.....
yes every one should vote and vote for the right person..but where he is??
Its interesting to watch the politics of Maharashtra especially from the perspective of an outsider! It is imperative that people choose their leaders wisely and with a lot of thought, so as to ensure that the coming times do not face political turmoil!
Good thoughts here!
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