Since the industrial revolution has started our lives have been much more comfortable than it has ever been. Slowly and steadily all occassional luxuries have turned into needs and this process is ongoing. Among all this we have conveniently ignored all that we have done to mother nature. It is a shame that, after facing the wrath of mother nature so many times in the past decade, there are segments still arguing about the effects of our actions on our environment. The major threats and effects of Global warming have still being debated.
Lets have a look around us, the climatic patterns in more than 15-20 countires have changed in the past few years, the average temperatures of almost all countires around us have risen. It snowed in the deserts on UAE!. The snow cover at the poles is eroding, the level of water is increasing near the coasts, hurricanes, earthquakes,Tsunami, you name it and we have had it all in the past 6-7 years itself. Here I would like to state a very famous quote by Al Gore, once the vice president of America and an active environmentalist. After Hurricane Katrina he said
“What changed in US after Huriicane Katrina was a feeling that we have entered a period of consequences”

I have compiled a list of things we can do to do our bit( They are from various websites so I will not take credit for it)
1) Use Fluorescent Bulbs:
Changing a normal light bulb with a Fluorescent bulb, means you have saved mre than 150 pounds of carbon dioxide emission in a year
2) Share a ride:
If a classmate stays near by, the share a ride, it would save one 1 kg of carbon dioxide for every two kilometers.
3) Check your tires:
Make sure that your tires are inflated properly, it would give more mileage, at the same time reduce carbon emissions
4) Recycle more:
Use stuff which is easily recyclable, it reduces a hell lot of carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere
5) Plant a Tree:
Might be the most basic of acts, but has the most impact. A tree absorbs more than a ton of carbon dioxide in its lifetime
Lets accept it, for doing these things you don't have to wear your underwear differently. So lets take a step forward and do something about it
Climate change is a very serious issue that requires a whole lot of evolutionary partnerships between people and nations! One can well feel the change that has come to be, and that isn't good!
Only a concrete vision to secure the future can help us in tackling this problem, and we better do it!
well said shahid, we have been taking the advantage of modern technology yet facing the consequences in the names of tsunami, hurricane etc...we all may not be affeted by such disasters , but there are simple things like no rains on time or no water in the wells which we cant escape to notice...
we may not be able to do alot to save the nature , but atleast we better start doing something which myt save us in near time.
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