Saturday, October 31, 2009

55- Fiction- Separate Ways

This is my first attempt at 55-fiction. I was highly inspired after reading a few of them, this kind of writing is here to stay, So well this is me jumping into the bandwagon

It was like every other holiday, mom and dad packed their bags.

 Mom was loud as usual, and Dad never cared to listen. 

We went to the airport and scanned the luggage. 

They never kissed, never said Good Bye, not a word shared . 

My mom held my hand and they walked separate ways.


Shilpa Garg said...

Good one Shahid. Has a deeper thought and meaning!!

Keep expressing!!

Apologies, I forgot to answer about your request on your comment on my blog!! :P

PS : I always wonder about your blog url!!

Shady West Side said...

well, it was an accident, a huge huge accident, I will surely not tell anyone about it...:-P,

but thanks, I am glad u liked it...I will try and write more of these

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Man! This kinda moved me!!!!! U sure are a tale weaver!!!!!

jane said...

what do i say.... i think its pretty different..and i like like to read more of these.:)

Seema Syed said...

As I have commented before for your older posts, you tailor your thoughts perfectly. As usual, quite emotional thoughts.
Keep going.

Shady West Side said...

@ Rakesh, thanx man...I need to improve a lot man but I will accept the tag

@ Swati, I will try and write more, and try not to dissapoint

@ Seema, ppl not think I am emotional, and call me confused, Guess my writing is diff to what i am