Today when I was driving my way back home, something weird happened. A huge branch of a tree broke and it fell right in front of me. It was a close escape, but I realized that had I been a few meters ahead it would have been disastrous, because I wasnt even wearing a helmet, and hence the topic of my tag.
You will have to write
one sensible and
one absolutely insane reason
why you have to wear a helmet when you drive
Nice creative tag!
Ok..first the sensible one: Wear Helmet : Marzi Hai Apki, Akhir Sar Hai Apka. (This is from the Wear Helmet Campaign!!)
Now, the insane one : My hair does not get windswept, hence, I'd wear a helmet! :)
Good one Shahid! Here's one from me...
Sane Reason: It's simple.. Helmet saves your life!
Insane Reason: So that your boyfriend do not attract unwanted stares from other females on the road :P
Here's another one.. So that you do not get caught staring at other girls while driving with your pillion girlfriend :-)
Good one there :)
Sensible Reason: It would ensure that ur head remains safe and uninjured
Insane Reason: It saves my hair from rains and dust particles ;)
Now...Rakesh went ahead and created a post out of it entirely...watch out for his insane reason for wearing helmets
Thanks for passing the tag. It's a creative tag and thought provoking too.
Sensible Reason: Wearing a helmet saves life.
Insane Reason: Girls love guessing what's behind that helmet:)
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